• Matcha Snack Cake
    Cakes and Cupcakes

    Matcha Snack Cake

    I’m back! It’s been a while since I posted, but for good reason. In case you missed it (a.k.a., you don’t follow me on Instagram), I bought a house! After three and a half years of searching, I finally found the house I was looking for at the end of January, and by the end of February I had closed on the house, packed up, and moved! It was a whirlwind, to say the least. Now, after another month and a half of unpacking and settling in, I’m finally getting back into the swing of blogging things, and it feels great! I’m still trying to get used to my new-to-me…

  • Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake
    Cakes and Cupcakes

    Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake with Chocolate Glaze

    It’s the time of year when zucchini overflows from every garden in Northern Minnesota. In some neighborhoods, you can find boxes full of them set on street corners and labeled “FREE”. The zucchini harvest is so overwhelming that people are desperate to get rid of them. Luckily, we know what to do with such an abundance of zucchini — grate them, add chocolate, and bake this Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake. Chocolate Zucchini Cake > Zucchini Bread I know, I know, most people would go for zucchini bread first, but honestly? It’s overrated. Zucchini bread is fine and all (and MUCH better than banana bread, in my opinion), but this cake?…

  • Sunken Plum Snack Cake - large
    Cakes and Cupcakes

    Sunken Plum Snack Cake

    Friends, it’s officially stone fruit season. Bring on all the peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries, and — for our purposes today — plums! I love baking with stone fruits. They lend themselves so well to pies, cakes, bars, and jam (which isn’t really baking I guess, but baking-adjacent). Stone fruits have a decent amount of firmness to them, but when you bake them, they sort of melt and go all soft and jammy. Yum. Before I baked with plums for the first time (years ago now…in a pie, I believe), I had enjoyed snacking on them but never thought of putting them into baked treats. But once I tasted them baked…