• Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Cake
    Cakes and Cupcakes,  Chocolate and Candy

    Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Cake

    This past Tuesday was my birthday (we won’t talk about how old that makes me…let’s just say I’m old enough to remember the first time stirrup pants were in style). I genuinely love my birthday. I always take the day off of work and do whatever I want. This year my plans were pretty low key, but they did include a spectacular cake. The past few years for my birthday, I’ve made my own cake…partly because I’m picky and partly because I just love doing it. Two years ago it was this Chocolate Cake With Earl Grey Buttercream and Salted Caramel, and last year it was Aroshaliny’s Persian Love Cake.…

  • Chocolate Cake with Earl Grey Buttercream
    Cakes and Cupcakes

    Chocolate Cake with Earl Grey Buttercream and Salted Caramel

    The beginning of the year brings lots of chances to celebrate in my world – New Year’s Eve/Day, my birthday (last week!), and now my blogiversary! A year ago today I started this blog. And what a fun year it’s been! My first post a year ago was for my Grandma’s Sour Cream Sugar Cookies, a recipe that is beloved in my family. This year, I’m sharing a cake I’ve been wanting to make for a while (and the one I made for my birthday this year) – Chocolate Cake with Earl Grey Buttercream and Salted Caramel Sauce. The Cake The cake itself is Ina Garten’s famous chocolate cake, and…

  • Salted Caramel Brownies
    Chocolate and Candy,  Cookies and Bars

    Salted Caramel Brownies

    It is insanely cold in Duluth right now. As I write this, it’s -20°F outside (yep, you read that right, 20 degrees BELOW zero). And that’s the actual air temperature, not including wind chill. It’s the kind of cold where you get an instant ice cream headache just from walking outside. It is awfully pretty though. There’s something in me that loves this kind of cold. Partly because of how beautiful it is, partly because just going to the grocery store feels like an adventure, and partly because it’s a great excuse to stay home and enjoy some of my favorite indoor activities. It’s supposed to stay this cold for…